Sprinkler Inspection – Sprinkler System Inspection

The  most important aspect of the sprinkler inspection is to ensure that it is operating properly, at it’s optimum performance level. Sprinkler systems are important not only for lawn maintenance but also for foundation performance. Your RedStar Home Inspector will ensure that all aspects of your sprinkler system are functioning properly.

Your sprinkler system will be inspected for:

* Damaged heads
* Damaged risers
* Heads not installed properly
* Crooked or not plumbed heads
* Nozzles that are plugged or partially plugged
* Mismatched heads or nozzles
* Improper pressure (high or low)
* Buried heads
* Non-functional electrical valves
* Improper spray deflection (plants or hardscapes)
* Improper irrigation

* Any deficiencies found in your sprinkler system will be noted in your detailed Red Star Home Inspection report